I'm having a trouble with the sensors, no sensors then no flight :(
Why are they not talking to the Gadgeteer board?
- Is the sensor faulty?
- Is the wiring wrong?
- Is the communication protocol not setup correctly?
- Is the interface software on the Gadgeteer board wrong?
- Or something else or a mixture of some of all?
Oh no what to do?
I looked into some analysis tools, wow they are super expensive at anything from $1K to silly money!
Then I stumbled across something fantastic called a "Bus Pirate" from Dangerous Prototypes :)
What does it do? It allows you to hack/monitor a communication stream from any device ... yes quiet dangerous! Also very handy :)
With this little monkey I should be able to isolate the problem and get the system going!!! Oh, and at £20 (approximately $30) it is a bargain too :)