Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Daisy, Daisy ... give me your answer do!

One of the problems concerning me was, I have many sensors and not enough connectors on the Gadgeteer Mainboard ... what am I do to?

I'd seen that the Gadgeteer board has I2C (pronounced "I Squared C") and oddly years and years (11 to be exact) I'd done some I2C development.  Basically it allows a master controller to talk up to 126 components.

Fantastic!!!  The question is how to connect I2C breakout boards to a Gadgeteer main board?  Thankfully the book Gadgeteer book I've been reading has all the information :)

Here's the plan, I'm doing to create my own Gadgeteer module.  Physically it will have three senors on it that are all connected via I2C.  I'll then write the module software so the Mainboard can connect to all three via the I2C.

Sounds hard however the module software is easy looking.  The tricky part will be the initial configuration of the sensors however once that is cracked it's happy days :)

Best of all, I can create my own modules that link to further modules.  Gadgeteer calls this "DaisyLink" which seems to be an implementation of I2C for talking to multiple devices thus removing some of the complication for me.  Great one Microsoft :)

First step, create my module ... I'll do something simple, not sure what yet :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi David,

    Check out LoveElectronics.Robotics.Sensors.* in the SDK for the Argon. You'll find drivers for the ADXL345, HMC5883L and the L3G4200D. You'll be up and running in no time!

    Love Electronics
