Saturday, 16 March 2013

Power to the People

I've been getting a bit side tracked with all the sensor issues.  Time to learn about batteries :)

Lithium Polymer, LiPo, is where it's at ... better than Nickel Metal Hydride yet cheaper than Lithium Ion.

There's a huge range of batteries from Hobbyist websites, so let's investigate what I need:

  • Light weight ... postman will love me however it's for the drone's benefit
  • Large energy capacity ... fly forever!
  • Small size
  • Cheap ... not cost me a fortune :)
I want everything!  I can't have everything :)

Something I've learned is the important of the battery "C Rating".  It stands for also how quickly you can safely drain the battery without damaging it.  Great little guide here!

What does that mean for me?

Four motors for me and lets say 20 Amps motors each = 80 Amps Continuous Discharge.  So I need a battery that will have a large capacity multiplied by"C Rating" = 80A continuous discharge.

Let's say the batteries I'm looking at have 2000mAh capacity, I therefore need it to have 80A / 2000mAh =  40 C Rating.

Voltage and Power

How much voltage do I need?  This relates to the type of motor I'm going to use!

Interesting, first to decide which are the right motors and then you'll know how much voltage you'll need.  Once you know that then you'll know which are the right batteries for you :)

So which motors?  Haha, that depends on how much power I need and that depends on the weight of the drone!

To add extra dimension, the more dynamic responsiveness I want the drone then the more instant power it'll need.  how dynamic I want the drone to move?  Plus also the money factor :)

Time to make an estimate of the drone weight!

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